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Introducing the Memento of Time

Why not preserve a memory of the flowers used to send off your loved one?

Teigan Blackshaw is a photographic artist who turns a small selection of flowers from events and mementos of your loved ones into works of art so that you have a lasting unique piece of them that everyone can adore long after they have passed.

Teigan uses her extensive knowledge that has seen her artistic pieces exhibited in places such as Milan next to Dali works and Parliament House in Australia to create each artistic piece as individual as the loved one that has inspired it.

Together with you, Teigan can create an image to represent your memories with the flowers you have already worked so hard to choose and bought.

Combine it with a trinket of the loved one like a favourite item or prepared items your loved one would of been given that you never got the chance.  

You deserve the closure and visually beautiful conceptualised memory to share with everyone the way your loved one shared their life with you.

Contact Teigan today and preserve your loved ones in the most unique way to date.

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